Dream Diary


I love dreams. The ones I get are always so vivid, and filled with so much emotions. They are fun. Growing up I used to imagine a story some random stuff thinking it will come into my dreams lol.I used to look up meanings of dream,lucid dreaming,astral projection phew what not. Somehow I actually ended up lucid dreaming a couple of times but this page wont be a tutorial on how to lucid dream lol. This page would just be like a diary where I share what dreams I had.Thanks for coming here and reading through these!

29 July 2024

In the first dream me and my childhood friend were just chilling walking to our college grounds where some speech would be given by our principal/head of the college While I was walking with my friend we meth the principal he was going hom so he can change and stuff for the speech and as he saw me he told me I want to speak with you for a sec.I was scared my friend wanted to run then we saw him go in the house come out with a car and he took us to the college grounds As he was taking his car out he asked something about project of mine This project was my all efforts which I had showed to a friend and they prolly had a contact with our principal and maybe they showed the principal that And so I was just getting praised for my hardwork and stuff Isnt that a dream? To be praised for your hardwork Anyways later I woke up to turn the alarm off I went back to sleep again

In this next dream I was in a big dorm, Im Indian so we had a maid to clean the rooms and she was basically the warden of that building also . There was this group of students, my friends . And just honestly expressing yourself in classes was considered revolting and bad boy move for some reason. One day this warden is playing the role of a professor and rambling about some random stuff , I do the "meh who cares reaction" and keep listening to what she says . I noticed two students look at me and laugh and then I feel a hard poke from a pen on my shoulder. The warden got so mad she almost stabbed me with that pen. I got up angry and started to argue with her "why did you hurt me? I didnt do anything wrong I never said I wont follow ur rules or anything so why would you hit me?" And that was considered super bad boy move and the warden quieted down after that but my life was going to change in that dorm lol This female friend of mine introduces me to a quiet girl looks timid cute quiet flustered fidgety. And this female friend also tells me "she doesnt really have a preference in guys but she wants to chat with you" and then she stops talking and motions "go for it!" I was like "wait wait wait wdym? Does this girl like me? Wait whats happening" Then this friend tells me how me arguing with the warden got famous now Im considered a bad boy type and Im lot more famous (this prolly stem'ed from my recent breakup , I felt like me being nice made her go away and some "bad boy" stole her) (also I dont want a harem that just comes cus of the anime I watch, but I do want atleast one person to fight for me and be like "he is mine" thats always a thing ) Anyways then the dream went on like any other romcom till my dog woke me up cus he was hungry The stab on my arm that was prolly my dog irl trying to wake me up giving me paw